Metamaterials and Metasurfaces Technology for Remote Sensing Applications

Topic Description: 
Metamaterials are man-made (synthesized) composite materials whose electromagnetic, acoustic, optical, etc. properties are determined by their constitutive structural materials and their configurations. Metamaterials can be precisely tailored to manipulate electromagnetic waves, including visible light, microwaves, and other parts of the spectrum, in ways that no natural materials can. The development of metamaterials continues to redefine the boundaries of materials science. In the field of electromagnetic research and beyond, these materials offer excellent design flexibility with their customized properties and their tunability under external stimuli. These properties enable Metamaterials to be a game changer for many technologies needing reduced size, weight, and power (SWaP), enhanced tunability and reconfigurability.
Topic ID: 
Expiration date: 
Friday, March 20, 2020