Large Language Model (LLM) Course of Action Analysis (COAA)
Topic Description:
Topic Number: A244-065
The objective of this research topic is to explore Boyd’s Observe, Orient, Decide and Act (OODA) Loop with the goal of finding disruptive courses of action (COAs) in a multi-domain environment that allow warfighters to impact both the rate of engagement with a competitor, but also the rhythm of engagement that allow our commanders and warfighters to leverage both the complexity and dynamism inherent in a multi-domain operation (MDO) to create decisive wins through strategic surprise.
This topic will accept Direct to Phase II submission only. Direct to Phase II proposals are accepted for a cost up to $2,000,000 for an 18-month period of performance.
This research will enable intelligent process automation for the warfighter mission areas of mission command and intelligence with the objective of sorting Open-Source (OS) data and Publicly Available Information (PAI) to find and enrich actionable information.
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Expiration date:
Saturday, September 21, 2024