SBIR/STTR Topic Archive

Below is an archived list of SBIR and STTR announcements that Lincoln Laboratory had previously identified as topics of interest:

Department of Defense
Enhanced Sensor Resource Management Utilizing Bayesian Inference - Navy
Predictive Graph Convolutional Networks - Navy
Data Analytics and Machine Learning to Accelerate Materials Design and Processing Development - Navy
Forensic Models of Cyberspace Behaviors - Navy
Detection of Crowd Manipulation in Social Media - Navy
Unsupervised Techniques for SAR Imagery - NGA
Crowd-Sourcing Statistical Study for Automated Video Quality Assessment Ground Truth - NGA
Automated VNIIRS Assessment of Motion Imagery - NGA
Automated Object Quantity Estimation for Radar Imagery - NGA
Artificial Intelligence Tool for Medical Coding and Documentation Improvement - OSD
Generative AI BAA Open Topic - OSD
Resisting Adversarial Attacks with Quantum Machine Learning - OSD
Globally Integrated Wargaming - USSOCOM
Interference Rejection of Strong Signals within Wideband Communication Receivers - USSOCOM
USSOCOM Command Data Interoperability - USSOCOM
Automated Synthetic Shortwave Infrared Image Creation From Near Wave Infrared and Electro Optical Imagery - USSOCOM
Machine Learning (ML) and Data Fusion Methods for Phenotype-based Threat Assessment of Unknown Bacteria - DARPA
Visual Relative Navigation - DARPA
Sensor Synthetic Data Generation - Department of Defense
Deep Reinforcement Learning Methods and Simulated Learning Environments for Counter-Unmanned Aircraft Systems (C-UAS) Applications - DTRA - Air Platform, Ground/Sea Vehicles, Information Systems
Long-term Patterns of Life from Sporadic Observations - NGA - Information Systems
Data Science Techniques for Various Mission Planning Processes and Performance Validation - Navy - Battlespace, Information Systems, Weapons
Maximizing Persistent Coverage of a Predetermined Area of Interest by Swarms of Assets for Targets Acquisition and Engagement - Army - Air Platform
Wargaming Event Design, Scenario Development, and Execution Software Suite for Modeling and Simulation (M&S) Tool Automation - Navy - Information Systems
Cognitive Fully Autonomous Sensor Technology (CFAST) - Air Force - Information Systems
Image data compilation based on accurate registration of sequential frames from a drone - Army - Electronics
Deep Generative Modeling of Infrared Datasets for Aided Target Recognition - Army - Electronics
EO/IR-Specific State of the Art Machine Learning - Air Force - Sensors
High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) Weather Nowcasts - Air Force - Information Systems
Extending the Surveillance Horizon for Improved Ship Self-Defense Against Hypersonic Cruise Missiles - Navy
Innovative Methods for Correlating Physiological Measures of Pilot Workload to Handling Qualities - Navy - Air Platform, Human Systems
Department of Energy
Portable Neutron, X-ray, and Multi-Modal Radiography - Office Of Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation Research And Development
Next-Generation Miniaturized Ionizing Radiation Sensors - Design And Manufacturing Advances For Space-Based Sensors
Manufacturing Developments for Silicon Photodiodes - Design And Manufacturing Advances For Space-Based Sensors
Vegetation Subtraction Tool - Office of Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation Research and Development (DNN R&D)
Quantum Networks Technologies - Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research
High-Performance FPGA-Based Edge Computing - Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research
Algorithms for Scientific Applications - Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research
Software Technologies - Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research
Innovative Approaches to Ion-Selective Membranes for Advanced Electrical Energy Storage - Office of Basic Energy Sciences
Advanced Non-Cryogenic Air Separation Technology - Office of Basic Energy Sciences
Catalytic Utilization of Carbon Dioxide - Office of Basic Energy Sciences
Tools for Large Scale Distributed Data Storage - OFFICE OF NUCLEAR PHYSICS
Software-Driven Network Architectures for Data Acquisition - Office of Nuclear Physics
Data Science / Distributed Computing Applications - Office of Nuclear Physics
Heterogeneous Concurrent Computing - Office of Nuclear Physics
Dept. of Health and Human Services (HHS), The National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Smart, Multi-Core Biopsy Needle - NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE (NCI)
Leveraging Connected Health Technologies to Address and Improve Health Outcomes of Long- Term Cancer Survivors - NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE (NCI)
Development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools to Understand and Duplicate Experts’ Radiation Therapy Planning for Prostate Cancer - NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE (NCI)